The Corner Shop
The Corner Shop 是位於尖沙咀核心地段、毗鄰酒店的街頭藝術展覽場地。彷如其名The Corner Shop位於酒店正對面,這個位處街角的場地將推動藝術的各種可能性,並作為快閃店的理想之地。同時它將成為現代流行藝術的基石,融合平凡與不非凡之理念,將帶來各種遊擊藝術、策展超酷的文化項目,以及引入令人意想不到的精采活動。
The Corner Shop 每天免費對外開放,無需預約。
‘WakamonoT: Memories We Carry’ is an exhibition showcasing art pieces by Redress’ current designer-in-residence, Tulika Ranjan. Located at Mondrian Hong Kong’s art space, The Corner Shop, the exhibition runs from 28 October – 24 November 2024.
Inspired by the ancient folk craft of oriental knotting, designer Ranjan embarks on a journey that intertwines with her overarching concept of ‘wakamono’, a Japanese term that embodies the spirit of youth. The outcome is ‘WakamonoT: Memories We Carry’, a sustainable design endeavour that draws from the experiences and emotions that shape our true identities. These art pieces, fashioned from discarded garments of Hong Kong, serve as a gentle invitation to reflect upon our formative journeys, rekindling the spirit of the child that resides within us all. In modernising this ancient technique of knotting, Ranjan artfully navigates the delicate interplay of cherished memories, encouraging us to untangle the knots that no longer serve us, and to embrace the truest versions of ourselves.
The Corner Shop 首個展覽展出巴黎藝術家 Caroline Tronel 的作品,其 Giant Crushed Cans 裝置藝術體現了創造力和個人行動對重塑我們與世界的關係所發揮的力量。Tronel 經典的升級再造藝術鼓勵觀眾實現可持續發展,並引發有關環境意識的對話。
緊接 Tronel 展出的是雕塑家 Anton Poon 的彩繪碳鋼雕塑系列 – RUBIKS。作品「Lunging」、「Compass」和「Bestowal」探索親密與距離、複雜與細膩之間的對比,讓途人能將自身體驗與各個結構連繫起來。一天中不同時間的光線變化會讓 Poon 的作品呈現新面貌,加深與人們體驗和時間流逝的聯繫。